What being a Royal Marine Commando taught me about fitness

I am going to be honest. Being a Royal Marine Commando taught me more about health and fitness than all of my personal training courses combined. That’s no criticism of the teaching, rather a nod to the fact that health and fitness is a way of life in the Royal Marines because our lives depended on it.

How to make time for exercise when you are really busy

How to train when you are busy

Most of us will struggle to find the time for exercise occasionally, and that’s perfectly ok – life happens. As a business owner and parent, I understand how time constraints can impact your health and fitness. I often have to remind myself that my health and fitness directly contribute to my business productivity and life.

Surviving Christmas Party Season

How to stay healthy in Christmas Party Season

One of the questions we get asked the most is, “how can I stay healthy when I go out for a meal?”

A great question, especially as we hit Christmas Party Season.

When Times Get Tough

How to keep going with training

When bad things happen we need to take time to process them and acknowledge the hurt.

But don’t get stuck there.

Stiff muscles? Here’s your cure…

Stiff muscles? Here's your cure...

Many people have complained of stiff muscles and reduced mobility after lockdown. It’s no surprise. We have been stuck at home and many of us are sitting all day working sat on our dining room chair rather than a good ergonomic one.

So how do you remedy this?