Cod Squad!

One of Mark’s favourite meals. This is a tasty meal that will fill you up. It is simple to put together as well.
Nutrition: This is a moderate carb meal. It is less than 500 calories and is really good for any health maintaining or fat loss goal.
- 190g of Cod
- 1 tablespoon of Olive Oil
- 25g of Olives
- 45g of Cherry Tomatoes
- 6.5g of chopped Capers
- 1 chopped Lemon
- 45g Sweet Potato
- 15g chopped Parsley
- 1 clove of Garlic
1. Put the oven on at 180 degrees.
2. Slice up some Sweet Potato into chips, brush with Oil and bake until cooked. This should take 15-20 mins.
3. Heat the oil in a pan over a medium to high heat.
4. Season the Cod with salt and pepper and place in the hot pan, leave undisturbed until cooked 3/4 of the way through (approximately 3-4 minutes in). Then gently flip the Cod being careful not to break it.
5. While the Cod is cooking, heat some oil in a separate pan add the Garlic, Lemon and Capers and saute until the Tomatoes soften.
6. Place the Tomatoes, Lemon and Capers on to a dish. Place the cooked cod on to the dish and garnish with parsley.
In Cod we trust!
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