Miriam's 10 Week Transformation
For Miriam, the goal was clear: To help her lose body fat for her holiday in a few months time.
When she came to us her body stats were as follows:
Body weight 65kg
Body fat 30%
Lean body mass 47.12kg
She could only train with us once per week so we had to make the most of our limited time together, setting her up with everything she needed to work on her own. This included tailored workout plans (with tutorials) and full nutrition and lifestyle guidance.
In just ten weeks, Miriam made great progress. She lost a stone (even more remarkable given that she put 2kg of lean muscle mass on) and she lost a whopping 8% body fat.
Great job Miriam! Let’s keep the momentum going with six weeks left before your holiday.
Miriam: “Definitely could not do this alone. Still a long way to go but I know you will get me there, thanks Pure Performance!”
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